This is ( your call sign here ) Net Control Station for the Far West Repeater Association Net.
This Net meets every Wednesday evening at 1930 hours local time.
The purpose of this net is to check the readiness of member stations and the repeater system for times of need.
All Amateurs are cordially invited to check in.
Visitors will be called following roll call of member stations.
Is there any emergency or priority traffic for the net?
( Pause for any traffic. )
Are there any mobile stations wishing to check in?
( Pause for any mobile stations. )
Are there any announcements for the Net?
( Pause for any announcements. )
Roll call of member stations follows.
( Call stations on the roster. )
Are there any late or missed member stations?
( Take late check-ins. )
Are there any visitors for the Net?
( Take visitor check-ins. )
Last call, late missed or visitors?
( Take last check-ins. )
This is ( your call sign here ) Net Control Station for the Far West Repeater Association Net closing the Net at this time and returning the frequency to normal Amateur use. Thank you all for checking in.
( your call sign here ) clear.