Digital Bulletin – 05-27-19
Happy Memorial Day to all–may we NEVER FORGET. Sunday, June
Happy Memorial Day to all–may we NEVER FORGET. Sunday, June
Tomorrow,the second Tuesday workshop for May will be an antenna
Sunday, May 5th, Avenue of the Giants Marathon. VHF communicators
Second Tuesday workshop for April will cover Aviation monitoring and
Humboldt Amateur Radio Club regular monthly meeting is Tomorrow, April
Sunday, May 5th, Avenue of the Giants Marathon. VHF communicators
VE Testing, Saturday, March 16th. Sunday, May 5th, Avenue of
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM: Don Campbel 707/834-0042 Ham Radio
The missing girls were FOUND SAFE Sunday morning! Thank god!
Tuesday, March 5th is the regular monthly meeting of the
WARNING: 10,000 Humboldt homes lost power during weekend Storms. *Are
Ham Radio General License Class ongoing Monday nights in Eureka
Ham Radio General License Class on going Monday nights in
Jaye, ke6sls has two 6V 100Ah batteries for sale–$50 makes
Note that 146.910 is off the air. No timeline on
VEC testing January 19th in Eureka. Far West Repeater Association
Winter Field Day Purpose: To foster Ham camaraderie, field operation,
WARNING–HARD FREEZE TONIGHT– Keep your pets inside and keep the
We need a Net Control station for December 24th for
Anthony, KG6LHW is looking for photos of 2018 events to
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