DIGITAL BULLETIN 03-24-25 Redwood ARC will be meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, 25Mar2025 at the Fortuna fire station, 320 So. Fortuna Blvd, at 7pm. Technician License
Serving all of Humboldt County California and seated in Eureka, the Humboldt amateur Radio Club is the original ham club in our area, joining the ARRL in 1951. Our club is a traditional, active, and progressive collection of radio amateurs young and old, new, and seasoned, who practice the art and science of Amateur Radio. At HARC, we welcome all who are interested in amateur radio, including those who are currently licensed and those who are not yet licensed.
HARC is a traditional Amateur Radio club* with monthly meetings, nets, license classes and VC exams, public service activities, programs, and more. The number of members over the age of 30 exceeds the number of members under the age of 30. The club is strong on Elmering (mentorship).
*(Although traditional, we are up to date on the latest in ham radio, including digital modes, software defined radios, and satellite work. If you would like to know more, join us.
Sign up for the HARC Mailing List
Become a member of the
Humboldt Amateur Radio Club
Fill out our application and you will hear back from us!
Why is the Club named W6ZZK? Check out The Zig Zag Kid Story for the story behind it.
President | Randy Terra | KN6NSK |
Vice President | Gene Bass | K6PCS |
Secretary | Friday Ululani | W6FRI |
Treasurer | Richard Kern | KN6RK |
Past President | Peter Esko | W6IES |
Past President | Anthony Wiese | KG6LHW |
Past President | Ben Adams | KK6SYJ |
Past President | Jim Armstrong | KW6JIM |
Past President | Don Nelson | WA6NBG |
If you’d like to understand more about what projects we are currently working on, you might want to check out our Club Projects Page. We also have events coming up on the Calendar page.
DIGITAL BULLETIN 03-24-25 Redwood ARC will be meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, 25Mar2025 at the Fortuna fire station, 320 So. Fortuna Blvd, at 7pm. Technician License
DIGITAL BULLETIN 03-17-25 Technician License Class Began Monday 10Mar2025. This class is offered via Zoom & completes 12May2025. Test session @ Fortuna 17May2025. Contact Don
DIGITAL BULLETIN 03-10-25 Technician License Class Begins Monday 10Mar2025. This class will be offered via Zoom & completes 12May2025. Test session @ Fortuna 17May2025.
DIGITAL BULLETIN 03-03-25 Brace yourselves, daylight saving time is THIS WEEKEND. Humboldt A.R.C. general meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, 4Mar2025, at 3030 L Street in Eureka
DIGITAL BULLETIN 02-24-25 Redwood ARC will be meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, 25Feb2025 at the Fortuna fire station, 320 So. Fortuna Blvd, at 7pm. Humboldt A.R.C.
DIGITAL BULLETIN 02-17-25 Redwood ARC will be meeting next week, Tuesday, 25Feb2025 at the Fortuna Fire station, 320 So. Fortuna Blvd, at 7pm. Humboldt Winlink
Like using the repeaters? Enjoy meeting new friends with similar interests? Than join our club and do it all, and more!
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